Who Does The Laundry?
(D. Dubbeldam/J. van der Plas – Django Music & Publishing)
Listen and watch right away:
Here we are again!
It’s Monday and we have to do the laundry
Collect all dirty underpants (ewwww!)
and all the dirty socks (ieuwww !!!)
Will you lend a hand?
Mama does the laundry on a Monday
Everybody lend a hand
Mama does the laundry on a Monday
Come and help her, if you can
Take the dirty laundry
Out of the basket
Put it in the washer
With your right hand
You’ll see it turn
From left to right
And then it turns
From right to left
Daddy does the laundry on a Tuesday
Everybody lend a hand
Daddy does the laundry on a Tuesday
Come and help him, if you can
Yeah, that’s nice!
Take it from the washer
Put it in the basket
Then in the dryer
With your left hand
Now press the button
Pull a tough face
And the laundry goes
Round and round and round and round
Auntie does the laundry on a Wednesday
Everybody lend a hand
Auntie does the laundry on a Wednesday
Come and help her, if you can
Ha ha, the washing’s done!
Take the dry laundry
Put it in the basket
Now grab the iron
With your right hand
With the iron
Move left to right
Turn the shirt over
And do it again
Mama did the laundry on a Monday
Everybody lend a hand
Papa did the laundry on a Tuesday
Then the ironing after that
Auntie did the laundry on a Wednesday
Everybody lend a hand
Aunt did the laundry on a Wednesday
Then the ironing after that
And then it’s Thursday …
And everyone runs around in clean clothes
Mummy’s happy
Daddy’s happy
Auntie’s happy
But yes…
Sometimes clothes get dirty
When running
When jumping
When falling
Yes, when rolling on the ground ….
Mama does the laundry on a Friday
Everybody lend a hand
Mama does the laundry on a Friday
Come and help her, if you can
Daddy does the laundry on a Saturday
Everybody lend a hand
Daddy does the laundry on a Saturday
Come and help him, if you can
Auntie does the laundry on a Sunday
Everybody lend a hand
Auntie does the laundry on a Sunday
Come and help her, if you can
Auntie does the laundry on a Sunday
Everybody lend a hand
Auntie does the laundry on a Sunday
And then the laundry is clean again!