In The Zoo
(D. Dubbeldam/J. van der Plas – Django Music & Publishing)
Listen and watch right away:
In the zoo you’ll see lots of monkeys
What do they do here in the zoo?
They swing up high with long, strong arms
From tree to tree with such an ease
In the zoo there are giant brown bears,
What do they do, here in the zoo?
They like to shake their round bottoms
Side to side, big and wide!
There’s one thing that they all do
Ooh ah ooh ah ooh ah ooh ah
All the animals in the zoo
Ooh ah ooh ah ooh ah ooh ah
Dance together two by two
In the zoo there’s a pack of lions
What do the do, here in the zoo?
They lay still watching everybody
But wait for more, as they might roar!
There’s one thing that they all do
Ooh ah ooh ah ooh ah ooh ah
All the creatures small and big
Ooh ah ooh ah ooh ah ooh ah
Love when they can dance and jig
All of them together!
The crocodile dances with a bear
The elephant dances with a snake
The tiger dances with a giraffe
And the turtle danced with an ape
Over there: some elephants
What do the do, here in the zoo?
They’re stamping with their giant feet on
Solid ground, hear the sound!
There’s one thing that they all do
Ooh ah ooh ah ooh ah ooh ah
All the animals in the zoo
Ooh ah ooh ah ooh ah ooh ah
Dance together two by two
Ooh ah ooh ah ooh ah ooh ah
All the creatures small and bug
Ooh ah ooh ah ooh ah ooh ah
Love when they can dance and jig
All of them together!