(D. Dubbeldam/J. van der Plas – Django Music & Publishing)
Listen and watch right away:
Hallo, hoi, hi, hé, dag, gutentag, bonjour, hello, hola…..
E-o, hello!
E-o, hello!
E-o, hello!
Do the mini disco
E-o, hello!
E-o, hello!
Do the mini disco
Shake your head from left to right
Just like that
Raise your shoulders really high`
Do it just like that
Lift your arms up one by one
Just like that
Swing ’em round, it’s really fun
Do it just like that
E-o, hello!
E-o, hello!
Do the mini disco
Try to tip-toe on your toes
Just like that
Pull your knees up to your nose
Do it just like that
Jump up now from side to side
Just like that
Forwards, backwards, left and right
Do it just like that
E-o, hello!
E-o, hello!
Do the mini disco
E-o, hello!
E-o, hello!
E-o, hello!
Do the mini disco
Come and sit down on the floor
Just like that
Now move forwards with your… bum
Do it just like that
Stand up now and dance around
Just like that
Move your body to this sound
Do it just like that
E-o, hello!
E-o, hello!
Do the mini disco
E-o, hello!
E-o, hello!
E-o, hello!
Do the mini disco